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Our Mission

We created Porto Grana Worldschoolers Hub in order to cater for the special needs of homeschooled kids and their families who follow a nomadic lifestyle by choosing roadschooling and worldschooling. We aim to offer a hub that may nurture the innate curiosity of all children that enjoy learning through travelling.This is a studio space which is available for recreational purposes with free wifi access, library, basic gym equipment, musical intruments, audiovisual lab, mini cimema and free bicycle hire sevices.
The space is avaiable for use,exclusively by worldschoolers and homeschooling/unschooling families on the road.

Our Staff
Evangelos Vlachakis 

Tel: 6980358038

Veronika Timofeeva-Vlachakis

Tel: 6978233714

Melina Vlachaki

'B school tutor


Our Ethos

We value the importance of community spirit and we strive to develop it among our visitors by fostering the daily gathering around a common table with delicious food and natural beverages during dinner time in front of the fireplace.We follow a vegeterian/vegan menu for health and ecology reasons and we expect our visitors to agree on that, from the moment they enter the hub space. (If you need to cook your own food, you are free to do so, as long as it is not consumed in the hub space, by using the cooking facilities in your hotel flat).


We prefer to share our good practices for free in whatever aspect, being cooking or growing veggies and we welcome our visitors to share theirs with us and the rest of the participants. Especially we encourage kids to take part in all the activities and to suggest their preferences freely and equally.The main purpose of this summit is to offer our kids a stimulating environment to express their needs and unleash their creativity. Also, to foster intercultural relations among them and their families. The hub space serves its role as a common ground but we don't consider it as a means to itself, as we strive to organise plenty of outdoor activities that will offer chances to gain valuable experiences by exploring the natural landscape and help create bonds among us.


Our initiative is a pilot venture in Greece as it is the first of its kind, consciously and deliberately serving homeschooling families in a country where unschooling/deschooling is considered illegal.

Reaching the point to set up this event took us really a lot of time and effort but we expect that the feedback and the good vibes that we will receive will make up for that, by offering valuable knowledge and insights towards our target to change the paradigm of education in our country.We are more than certain that we are all going to have a wonderful and memorable time.


Our family is located in the southern part of Greece, in Laconia region of the Peloponnese and we just love this place! Natural beauty, unspoiled beaches and fabulous food. (by the way we follow a plant based diet). Since homeschooling/unschooling is considered illegal in Greece, we decided to follow a more nomadic life by taking a year off from schooling to travel around Europe. Now we are back in our base and to tell you the truth we miss like minded families who can appreciate all that this superb location has to offer and that's why we make every attempt possible to connect. We even organised the first Worldschoolers summit in January 2016 and we had a great time with our visitors.For the moment I am gaining valuable insights into homeschooling/unschooling from our visitors, since we started organising events here at out Porto Grana worldschoolers hub.

Our background

 Porto Grana Worldschoolers Hub is an initiative of BIOmonia non for profit organisation for culture and the environment. Its main goal is to support and develop sustainable solutions to everyday life needs such as food, shelter and education. It belongs to the worldwide network of the Freeconomy community which is based on a moneyless economic model. According to this “philosofree”, sharing is everything


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